Childrens Speech and Feeding Therapy Reviews


E's mom, 2022

It's been a pleasure working with Anuja. She is kind and loving to my son, and always goes above and beyond. She is patient and my son enjoys and looks forward to seeing her every week. My son's understanding of math concept has significantly improved, all thanks to her.

Hi Yi Yui, 2022

I have been meaning to write to you for long. I wanted to update you that D is doing well in terms of his speech. It was like, one night the light went on, and started to utter more and more words. Even saying the names of the dinosaurs (remember during one of the sessions we joked about it). And i can't thank you enough for your therapy sessions— it helped us tremendously.

J's parents, 2021

J's parents, 2021

Teacher Anuja is a patient and caring teacher who put in her best in teaching and guiding my son. My son improved tremendously and felt much confident after been taught by her. I really appreciate the effort she has put on my son and strongly recommend her to any parents whose child requires special help in their studies.

Z's Mum, TLC EIP Program, 2021

Our boy has cerebral palsy GMFCS 4, he is 3.5 and is yet to learn independent sitting,he has cortical visual impairment and speaks a few words only. I always struggled with finding a good EIP where he can be helped with all his needs like being seated properly,being carried to different rooms so that he is included in all the activities.

The entire team of Teachers and therapists is very cooperative and sincere. My boy brought home many craft items which I knew he had made because the teachers recorded videos for us.

We really loved sending him there,he adjusted well and he started asking for his classmates during off days which is a very big proof that he was extremely happy there. Highly recommend all the parents to try the EIP as it is the best and trust me I have tried other famous Centers too.

ZR and her Mum, 2021

ZR and her Mum, 2021

ZR has really enjoyed her time with you (Wei Ling and Yi Yui) and has made immense progress. You are doing a fantastic job, well done! And congratulations from a happy parent and student. Stay safe and connected.

Love ZR.

D's Parents, TLC EIP Program, 2021

D's Parents, TLC EIP Program, 2021

Katrina, Kai Li, Eliza and Neet, Thank you for being a wonderful team of teachers. We're proud and happy to see D had progressed very well under your care and are grateful for your efforts in guiding him well.

Wishing you all a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. See you in 2022. Best wishes.

Mr S, TLC EIP Program, 2021

Mr S, TLC EIP Program, 2021

My child was diagnosed with social development delay when she was just 18 months old. She is a jovial kid and whilst growing up she was picking up things very well till her 12-14 months, even when she was barely 12 months she was able to point to her ear, nose, hair etc, she also used to say some one words, tiger, lion, dog and pigeon. However we noticed that she slowly stopped saying those words. Particularly she was not making eye contacts and not responding to her names by the time she reached 18 months.

During this period, because of our busy schedule we let her have a lot of screen time, particularly mobile phone streaming cartoons and rhymes. She even watched some television. Because of the covid-19, we rarely used to go out and all along she was mostly indoor. By the time she reached 18 months, we recognised the pattern and took her to a pediatrician who advised us to take her to a therapy program.

This is where we found TLC Speech Clinic, they offered her an integrated program that combines speech therapy with preschool activities for children of her age. We were very impressed with the detailed assessment of our child that was done by Ms. Yi Yui.

We made the right decision to join TLC  and really blessed to have a wonderful teacher like Katrina to help my child. Since the last two months she is undergoing this integrated program and we see that she has made progress. For example, she is making a lot more eye contacts than before and has started saying a few things, names of animals and fruits, etc.  We have also reduced her screen time to zero and she did not throw any tantrum. What makes me most content as a father is that she learns something new in these classes and she enjoys these sessions. I see a lot of joy and happiness in her.

Mr and Mrs Y, parents of 3-year-old HC, 2020

Mr and Mrs Y, parents of 3-year-old HC, 2020

It was lovely to see you (Catherine) over video conference the past week. We greatly appreciate the extra effort you have put in to adapt your lessons to suit web therapy.

Dear Teacher Wei Ling, 2020

Dear Teacher Wei Ling, 2020

Thank you for spending the time with us during our first teletherapy session. My son enjoyed all the activities that you planned ahead for him. I also learnt a lot and it was a great experience!

Mother of a 4 year old, 2019

Mother of a 4 year old, 2019

We sent our son for speech therapy since he was 1.5 years old. The therapists are gentle, professional and patient. I'm very comfortable to leave my kid with them. I also saw my kid grow a lot there. The therapists tailored the material each time and paid attention to his progress. I'm grateful to Kelly, Neeta and director Lynnette!

G's Mummy, 2018

G's Mummy, 2018

It's really our honour working with Yi Yui on G's feeding. She has learnt how to suck with a straw and eat more variety of food under her guidance. She has given me hope on G's feeding, i.e., she can join my family for mealtimes now, after unsuccessful attempts with therapists in hospitals and schools. She can eat about half a bowl of rice now. :)

I will definitely recommend clients who needs speech and feeding therapy to TLC.

A Grateful Mom, 2017

A Grateful Mom, 2017

My daughter is a premature baby with a history of reflux which translated into feeding issues.

We started seeing Yi Yui when my daughter is 3 1/2 years old as she was not transitioning to solids.

Yi Yui is very patient with my child and transforms all sessions into play in order to engage and encourage her along the way. Depending on the progress of each session, she will give clear instructions and suggestions for home practices that is tailored to the needs of my child. My daughter looks forward to her sessions with Yi Yui with enthusiasm.

She made so much progress over the months and has "graduated" recently.
My husband and I are truly grateful for the efforts that Yi Yui had put in for our child. From our interactions with Yi Yui, it is in our opinion that she truly cares about helping the child and highly recommend her to any parents.

Again, our sincere heartfelt thanks to Yi Yui.

A Daddy, Singapore, 2017

A Daddy, Singapore, 2017

Although we are leaving due to a variety of reasons, we remain interested in sending our son back to TLC in the future. We are very thankful for Neeta and Wei Ling's time and efforts in working with our son and with us so far.

We will continue to work with him and in this regard, would appreciate any observations about our son and advice you might have for us to help him improve.

Please note again that we are very thankful for your time, attention and efforts. My sincere thanks also go to Yi Yui for the kind assessment and arrangements.

Isabel Isa, Singapore, 2014

Isabel Isa, Singapore, 2014

Yi Yui is a patient and thorough mentor. Observing her sessions was an opportunity I am grateful for; she has a calm and relaxed manner around her clients and is somehow able to turn even the most tedious activity into an engaging one. As a student observer, I was able to observe theory in practice and grasped a better understanding of dyspraxia and speech disorders. TLC clinic is a wonderful place for student interns to learn the ropes.

Mom : ) of a 4 year old client, Singapore, 2012

My daughter's articulation has improved tremendously during speech therapy. In just 2 sessions, she was able to grasp the techniques required to perfect her articulation with confidence and she even has begun to transfer her improved articulation into her daily speech. She was able to detect her own mistakes and self-correct using the small, simple gestures that our therapist taught her. She is now very confident in her speech and she remembers to speak properly.

Our therapist, Yi Yui, has definitely done an outstanding job evaluating my daughter's skills and targeting her instruction to meet her needs. She was able to engage my daughter, establish a fun and comfortable relationship with her. Yi Yui listens to parents' views and is always very assuring. Yi Yui also works with parents closely and makes sure she reviews what was discussed previously. On top of these, she humbly learns new activities from parents which were found useful for improving speech; she will in turn share those info with other parents who can apply them.

I would, 100% recommend her to anyone. Everything about her services has been great from the beginning until the end. Yi Yui was always prepared and ready to start right on time with well planned activities. To add on, we love her smiling, relaxed nature; always very comfortable to work with.

Michelle, United Kingdom, 2011

Michelle, United Kingdom, 2011

Yi Yui was the first interaction we had with a professional therapist before our son was diagnosed with Autism. When we met her, it was a first step for us on an emotional journey, but Yi yui's calm, kind manner, patience and support of both our son and ourselves made a huge difference.

From the onset, I felt that Yi yui was passionate about her work and genuinely cared about helping my son improve his communication and speech. Every session she would share new ideas for us to practise, but never too much to overwhelm us. She always had good suggestions for improving communication as well as suggestions for other therapies to help him. She also connected us with some other great sources of knowledge and helped educate us on how to help our child.

When my son first saw Yi yui, he was using no speech to communicate his needs. After a few sessions, through techniques suggested by Yi yui, my son started communicating some simple requests through words, and has continued to build speech ever since. He can now speak in sentences, although often still needs some prompting.

We have since moved away from Singapore but very much miss Yi yui's sessions and her caring and always positive spirit.

Alexandra, Singapore, 2008

Alexandra, Singapore, 2008

Our little girl, Trisha, was born with a genetic problem and had undergone several surgeries even at 2 years of age. One of the most difficult things for our family to handle, and definitely the "thing" that dragged on for years, was her oral feeding problem. She fed on the NGT and than the gastro-button until 5 years of age.

We went through speech therapist after speech therapist but other than obtaining verbal advice and some oral exercises to bring home with us to perform on her, we did not see much improvement. Trisha still had to be fed 3-hourly through the gastro-button. Finally, after years of frustration, I realised that there are really very few speech therapists here that had also the specialised skills for feeding. It was than another speech therapist offered me Yi Yui's contact number and told us to try seeking help from her as she had some years of experience in the area of oral feeding.

We met her, this kind person who is also a mother herself - this is important in my choice of therapists! First we watched Trisha - we had long since chosen to trust that our daughter's first instincts were crucial to the sessions that followed - take to Yi Yui's ministrations on her face. We were surprised that she did not start to cry with something that she had so much adversion against. At that stage, she was sensitive to people touching her face, her mouth area, and even gagged when a spoon came near her mouth. And as the sessions went by, we grew to know Yi Yui better, for not only her skills but also how good she is with children and parents. I remember one of the first things Yi Yui did was to calm us down - after years of struggling with Trisha's feeding problem, we had become quite 'angry' in our body language and that translated negatively to Trisha who turned even more against being fed orally by us.

Trisha started to eat yoghurt and foods of similar consistency half a year after seeing Yi Yui and finally managed the most difficult - water and milk orally after a year with Yi Yui.

Today, it makes it ironic when we see her stuff her face full with food and have to tell her to stop eating! ;)


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